Now that we're all caught up on years past let's focus on the present:) Jeremy and I became officially engaged on August 14, 2010. He knows how picky I am about having a good story and wanting everything to be perfect, so he had his work cut out for him in finding a way to propose to me. He did a great job and it was everything I could have hoped for and then some;) You'll see what I mean in a minute.
I actually knew that it was coming about 4 or 5 weeks before he actually proposed to me. We knew we wanted to get married and that we were both ready, but we were very busy people this summer and finding a weekend that we were both in town and not working all day was a challenge. The weekend finally came though and we got up early Saturday morning to drive up to Heber City. He has a friend up there that has horses and knows some good hiking trails up that way. He had told me that we wouldn't be able to go horseback riding which was really disappointing to me because I am a huge fan of horses. However, when we got there the horses were all ready to go. That was surprise number 1 for the day. We packed a lunch and got on our way. As we were riding I started to notice something. I was sneezing every two or three seconds, my throat was closing up and it was becoming difficult to breathe, and my eyes were starting to itch. Yep, you guessed it. I'm allergic to horses. Go figure. So our ride got cut short and we had to settle for a short hike up the mountain side. It was gorgeous up there! Jeremy and I sat down and were just talking about nothing really important. Then we decided that it was time to head back down. When we stood up he started playing with the necklace I was wearing. (Now I have to insert a quick side note about this necklace. It's just a chain with a ring on it. The ring is his that I stole/he gave to me when we first started dating in May. Now back to the story...) I thought he was moving the ring from the back to the front, but instead he switched the ring out for my GORGEOUS diamond ring. He then got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I of course said yes:)
About that same time I finally gave in to my itching eyes and rubbed them. Big mistake. They puffed up almost instantly and I could now hardly see and hardly breathe. We hurried back to town to buy some allergy medicine and then headed up to Bountiful where his sister lives to get ready for part two of the best day of my life thus far. We got all dressed up and went to the Cheesecake Factory. I LOVE the Cheesecake Factory. Almost as much as I love Jeremy:) I have now converted him to the Cheesecake Factory too. It was a perfect ending to the perfect engagement story!
I am so happy to be engaged to my best friend. I can't wait to become his wife. I'm so blessed to have him in my life!
Hi Ken : ) I love you! It was SO great to see you (and you too Jeremy) We need to talk more! I'm so glad you have a blog now : )