About a week ago we went to Lagoon with Jeremy's little brother, Jaron, his mom, and his sister, Harmonie and her little girl Harper. We had a BLAST! It was a much needed break for both Jeremy and I. We've been working our little buns off for weeks straight now, so it felt SO good to get out and have a little fun. We had more than a little fun too! We're so grateful to Jaron for his good idea and his generosity!
We discovered that even if you don't go into Lagoon-A-Beach you have plenty of opportunities to cool off from the hot summer sun. We got SOAKED on quite a few rides.
You could seriously wring the water out from my clothes after this one. I felt like I had just taken a shower with my clothes on.
Jaron was bound and determined to win a prize at one of the booths. We decided afterward that he should never be allowed to go gambling haha. He lost quite a few quarters, but came out with a couple prizes in the end, even though they weren't the huge ones he had his eye on. Jeremy and I also won a couple cute little stuffed animals. There was a booth that had someone guessings peoples age, weight, or birth month. If they were withing 2 years on the age they won, if not, we got a prize. As soon as we saw this we thought, "this is perfect!" Jeremy's slightly balding head makes him look older than he actually is, and people often guess I'm no older than 20. The lady at Lagoon didn't stand a chance. She guessed that Jeremy was 25 or 26 I think and that I was 19 or 20. We won Alfred and Abagail, our cute new stuffed animals. It was the perfect end to a perfect day! Thanks again Jaron!
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